Incorporating classes

Using a class for both locations and objects will make things easier to modify going forward. You don’t need to add any new commands, locations, or objects, but your program should contain two classes:

class object {

class location {

location should contain all the details about a location, including the text printed when you LOOK, all the directions you can GO from that location and where they lead to, and all objects which are at that location. objects, similarly, should contain the text printed when you LOOK at the object, the name of the object (used with GET, DROP, and printed when you take INVENTORY), and any other relevant information (e.g., whether a lamp is on or off).

The player’s inventory and the contents of each location should now be represented as vector<object>s. You should represent all the location in the game as a vector<room>. Then, using an int current_room variable to keep track of where the player is; the value of this variable is an index into the vector.

Functions for commands that apply to the current location (LOOK without a noun, GO) should be turned into function members on the location class. Commands for verbs which require a noun can stay as functions, since they often need to know about both objects and locations.

By now, there are several parts of your program which could throw exceptions (.at() on vectors and strings, .substr(), etc.). You should wrap these in try...catch and catch the relevant exceptions (usually just out_of_range). You can “handle” the exception by just printing an error message and ending the program.


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