CSCI 123: Introduction to Programming Concepts in C/C++

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Programming Project: File Listing

Okay, it's finally time for your first C++ programming project! And, instead of doing something somewhat meaningless, you'll get to write a program that's actually useful!

You're to write a program that generates a file listing. A file listing is a copy of C++ source code that has a line number preceding each and every line of code. For example, take a look at SampleListing.txt to see what kind of output your program will generate. Notice that each line has a four-digit number indicating the line number; this is quite helpful when looking at and discussing source code, you can use the line numbers to direct everyone's attention to a particular line of code.

When you run the program, the user at the keyboard should be prompted for the name of the C++ source code file to use. If the input filename isn't valid, an error message is displayed and the program will end. Otherwise, the program proceeds to create an output file of the same name, but with a .lst filename extension instead of .cpp. Then the input file is copied to the output file, one character at a time, but each line is prefixed with the current line number.

To help you get started, you'll find a Project1 subdirectory in your ssh account, and in there you'll find a starter kit called FileListingStarterKit_Spring2013.tar.gz. To extract the files out of the starter kit, just type this at the command line prompt:

       tar xvzf FileListingStarterKit_Spring2013.tar.gz

Once you do that, you'll find in your Project1 directory a sample executable named flist. This is an executable file just like all the a.out files you've created, so to run it all you need to do is to type the file name prefixed with a leading dot-slash, like ./flist. Once you do that, you'll be prompted for the name of a C++ file so you can create a listing. (It would probably be helpful to copy a few C++ files into that directory before you run the program so you can try it out.) You'll also find a skeletal source code file flist.cpp to give you a boost! In it you'll find that you need to implement a few functions:

There are some other functions from the standard libraries that you might find useful:

You don't have to use any of these functions if you don't want to, I'm only putting them up here just in case you find them helpful.

Before you begin writing any code, you might find yourself able to save a lot of time and frustration simply by thinking a lot! Don't commit to the first solution that seems like it will work, you really want to consider all of your options before making that kind of investment. Once you convert your ideas into code, it becomes much more difficult (and time-consuming) to fix your mistakes at that point than it would be to simply reject ideas that haven't been committed to a file yet.

So when is this thing due? Your implementation is due on Wednesday, April 17th, giving you an entire week to finish it off. Just leave your file flist.cpp in the Project1 directory so I can fetch it by the time our class starts. Just in case any issues arise that you may need to know about, you should probably check the Announcements page from time to time to see if any problems you may be experiencing have already been handled. Best of luck!

S. Edwards, 04/09/13, 11:44pm