Accessing Your Linux Account On or Off Campus

You can access your linux account from anywhere as long as you have internet access. All you need to do is run a program called “ssh” which stands for “secure shell” and you can login either on campus or from a remote location. You use the client ssh program to connect to the server computer on campus; once connected, all the usual linux commands will be available so you can write, compile and run your programs. It won't matter if you're using a computer that's running linux, Windows or even a Macintosh! Here are some details for each OS:


After logging into your linux machine, open a console window as usual (e.g., “Alt+F2”, then type “konsole”). Once you're at the command line prompt, enter this command:

ssh -l username -p 5150

where username is your login name (by the way, that's the letter “el”, not the number “one”. This is the first letter of you first name prefixed to your last name (e.g., “sedwards”). Next you should be prompted for your password; type it in and press the Enter key and you should be completely logged into the server.


After logging into you Macintosh machine, open a “Terminal” window (you may want to resize it and make it larger). Once you're at the command line prompt, follow the same steps as in the “Linux” section above.


Unfortunately Windows does not have a native ssh client program you can run, however there are many such programs for Windows that are available for free. One such program is “putty.exe” and you can download a copy from the “Handouts” page of our class website. Once you download the program, you can double-click on it to login to the campus server.