----------------------------- QUICK INTRO TO LINUX COMMANDS ----------------------------- BASIC bash COMMANDS __ Directory listing: ls {add "-l" for long listing} __ Changing directories: cd {optional path; cd by itself brings you home} __ Displaying the present working directory: pwd __ Copy a file: cp {source} {destination} __ Delete a file: rm {filename} __ Rename a file: mv {source} {destination} __ Create a subdirectory: mkdir {directory name} __ Remove a subdirectory: rmdir {directory name} (subdir must be empty) ADDITIONAL bash COMMANDS __ Display current date and time: date __ Display a calendar: cal {optional year argument, e.g., 1966} __ Clear the screen: Ctrl+l __ Quick display of a file: less {filename} {type 'q' to quit} __ Discovering relevant commands: apropos {search string} __ Online documentation: man {topic; type 'q' to quit} __ Previous/Next commands: up/down arrow or Ctrl+p/Ctrl+n __ View command line history: history G++ (C++ compiler) __ Compile and link: g++ {filename.cpp} __ Turn on all warnings during build: -Wall __ To run the executable: ./a.out