Submitting Homework on the SSH Server

When you develop programs on the ssh server you'll need to put your homework where I'll be able to find it in order to receive credit. Each homework assignment will be tagged with “HWxx” where the “xx” is a two-digit number referring to the number of the homework assignment. For each assignment you'll need to create a subdirectory named “HWxx” and put your files in there.

In order to do this you'll have to use a few shell commands:




To create a directory

mkdir directory_name

To remove a directory

rmdir directory_name

The directory must be empty and cannot be the present working directory.

To determine the present working directory


To change the present working directory.

cd directory_path

Two dots (..) as the directory path means to go to the parent directory.

To make a copy of a file

cp source_filename dest_filename

You can also prefix the filenames with paths to copy across directories.

To move a file to a different location or change its filename

mv source_filename dest_filename

You can also prefix the filenames with paths to move across directories.

So for example, if you have to write a program for homework #5, you would make the HW05 subdirectory, make it the present working directory, use jmacs to create your source code file, compile it with g++ and then execute the file a.out like this:

sedwards@fccsci:~$ mkdir HW05

sedwards@fccsci:~$ cd HW05

sedwards@fccsci:~/HW05$ jmacs mycode.cpp

sedwards@fccsci:~/HW05$ g++ -Wall mycode.cpp

sedwards@fccsci:~/HW05$ ./a.out

Remember – the shell commands are case-sensitive. And be careful when deleting files, there's no way to get them back!