In this assignment you’re going to implement splay trees. Your splay trees will be expansions upon the following class definition:

#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>

class splay_tree {
    struct node 
        node(int key, node* left, node* right, node* parent) : 
            key(key), left(left), right(right), parent(parent)
        { }

        int key;
        node* left;
        node* right;
        node* parent;


    /* root()
       Returns the root of the tree. 

       Runs in O(1) time.
    node* root() const
        return rt;

    /* size()
       Returns the size (total number of nodes) in the tree. 

       Runs in O(n) time.
    int size() const
        // Remove the next line and add your code here.
        throw std::logic_error("Not implemented");

    /* empty()
       Returns true if the tree is empty.

       Runs in O(1) time.
    bool empty() const
        // Remove the next line and add your code here.
        throw std::logic_error("Not implemented");

    /* rotate(c,p)
       Rotate child node c with parent node p. c must be a child of p
       (either c == p->left or c == p->right) and neither c nor p can be 

       Runs in O(1) time.
    static void rotate(node* c, node* p)
        assert(c != nullptr and p != nullptr);
        assert(c == p->left or  c == p->right);
        assert(c->parent == p);

        // Remove the next line and add your code here.
        throw std::logic_error("Not implemented");

    /* splay(n)
       Splays n to the root of the tree, returning the new root. n must not
       be nullptr. 

       As with `rotate`, splay is a static member function, so it is not allowed
       to access any member variables (it can call `rotate`, however).

       Runs in O(d) time where d is the depth of node n (amortized, this 
       will be O(log n)).
    static node* splay(node* n)
        assert(n != nullptr);

        // Remove the next line and add your code here.
        throw std::logic_error("Not implemented");

    /* find(k)
       Finds and returns the node containing key k, splaying it to the root.
       If no such node exists, then `find` splay's the parent of the location
       where k *should* be to the root, and then returns the new root. If the 
       tree is empty, returns nullptr. To determine whether a key k exists in 
       the (nonempty) tree, you would check

            k == find(k)->key

       Runs in O(log n) amortized time.
    node* find(int k)
        // Remove the next line and add your code here.
        throw std::logic_error("Not implemented");

    /* insert(k)
       Inserts k into the tree, splaying the new node to the root. If k 
       already exists in the tree, it should be splayed to the root. Returns
       the new root of the tree. 

       Runs in O(log n) amortized time.
    node* insert(int k)
        // Remove the next line and add your code here.
        throw std::logic_error("Not implemented");

    /* remove(k)
       EXTRA CREDIT: Removes the node containing k, and splays its parent to
       the root. If k does not exist in the tree, then nothing is removed,
       but the parent (of where k *should* exist) is still splayed. Returns
       the new root of the tree.

       Runs in O(log n) amortized time.
    node* remove(int k)
        // If you want to do the extra credit problem, remove the next line.
        throw std::logic_error("Not implemented");

    /* set_root(n)
       Replaces the root node with n; this is only used for testing.
    void set_root(node* n)
        rt = n;

    /* clear()
       Delete all nodes in the tree. You should implement the recursive 
       `clear(node*)` version below, and not modify this one.
    void clear() 


    /* clear(n)
       Delete n and all its descendants.
    void clear(node* n)
        throw std::logic_error("Not implemented");

    node* rt = nullptr;

(You can download a copy of this file and find it on the server in /usr/local/class/src/splaytree.hpp.)

All of the functions you need to implement throw a “Not implemented” logic_error by default; when you implement them, remove this line of code. This is there to allow the test code to determine which functions you haven’t written yet, and skip testing them.

For most of the core functions (insert, find, and size), you will probably want to add a helper function to actually perform the recursion, as we did in class.

Note that maintaining parent pointers significantly complicates rotate! In particular, there are several possibly-overlapping situations to consider:

Note also that rotate must work even if the tree is somehow not a proper binary search tree! That is, it should not rely on the keys being in the correct order; it shouldn’t even examine the keys at all. The only relationships between nodes it is concerned with are ->left, ->right and ->parent.

As described in class, find and insert both splay the “target” node to the root, or the parent of the target node if that is not possible. They both return the new root of the tree.

remove is optional, and extra credit. If you implement it, this assignment counts for two “assignment points” instead of the usual one. That is, it can make up for another assignment you don’t complete at the end of the semester. (Before you ask, no you can’t implement nothing but remove and get just the 1 extra-credit point.)

Save your solution as splaytree.hpp (if you want to put your method implementations into a splaytree.cpp file, feel free, but you don’t have to). Compile assign4_test.cpp (available as /usr/local/class/src/assign4_test.cpp on the server).


Save your work in a directory on the server named cs133/assign4/.