In this group assignment you’ll write a C/C++ program to decode MIPS machine code. You don’t need to fully disassemble it (unless you want to!), but you do need to output, for each instruction,

You can download a sample MIPS machine program here, or find it on the server in /usr/local/class/cs241/mips-test.bin. This is a binary file consisting of 13 MIPS instructions (i.e., 64 bytes long, including padding). You should decode each instruction, and print the above information for each.

If you want to go full disassembler, you can find a list of opcode mnemonics (names) here.

For reference and checking your work, here is the original MIPS assembly of the file use to create mips-test.bin:

    li      $v0,4
    li      $v0,5
    move    $t0,$v0
    addi    $t0,$t0,10
    li      $v0,4
    li      $v0,1
    add     $a0,$t0,$0  
    li      $v0,10

(The GNU assembler’s AT&T syntax uses different names for the registers than what we’ve been using.)