Here, for reference, is the multi-stage bootloader code:

;;; two-stage.s
;;; Illustrates a two-stage loader, where the first stage invokes the BIOS
;;; to load the second stage.

bits 16
org 0x7c00

origin:     equ         0x7c00
blk_count:  equ         (end - loaded_code) / 512 + 1

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; First stage loader

; Reset disk
mov ah, 0x0         ; Subfunction reset
mov dl, 0x80        ; Disk number
int 0x13

; Load blocks 
mov ah, 0x42        ; Int 0x13, subfunction Extended Read
mov dl, 0x80        ; Drive num
mov si, disk_packet ; Packet address
int 0x13

jmp loaded_code

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Begin "pseudo-data" section

string:         db      "Hello, world!"
strlen:         equ     $-string
screen_addr:    equ     0xb8000

align 2 
disk_packet:    db      0x10            ; Packet size
                db      0               ; Reserved
                dw      blk_count       ; Block count
                dd      loaded_code     ; Addr. to load
                dd      1               ; Starting block

; Pad remainder with 0 bytes
times 510 - ($ - $$)    db 0

; Write boot signature at end
dw 0xaa55

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Begin second-stage loader


; Set 80x25 text mode
mov ah, 0x0
mov al, 0x3
int 0x10

; Print text
mov si, 0          ; Memory index/cursor position
    ; Print character
    mov ah, 0x0a    ; Subfunction = write char
    mov al, byte [si + string]
    mov bh, 0       ; Page = 0
    mov cx, 1       ; Write count = 1
    int 0x10

    ; Move cursor
    inc si
    mov ah, 0x02    ; Subfunction = set cursor pos.
    mov bh, 0       ; Page = 0
    mov dh, 0       ; Cursor row = 0
    mov dx, si      ; Cursor col = si
    mov dh, 0
    int 0x10

    cmp si, strlen
    jne print

; Infinite loop
forever: jmp forever


; Pad so there's a good number of blocks used in the disk
times 1024 * 1024  db 0

Take the multi-stage bootloader from above (the one that just prints “Hello, World!” using BIOS calls) and modify it so that it reads a line of input and then prints a response. The BIOS calls dealing with the keyboard are all under interrupt 0x16. In particular,

You’ll need to do this in a loop, until the Enter key (ASCII code = 13) is pressed, and then print a response containing the text entered. You’ll have to allocate a buffer to store the entered string, and you’ll want to limit the length of the string that can be entered, so that you don’t overrun the buffer. Here’s a sample transcript:

Enter your name: Andy
Hello, Andy!

The program should go into an infinite loop at the end.

Remember that your code is running in 16-bit mode; that means

Don’t forget that you can connect to your machine from GDB; you just have to open another PuTTY session!