Examples of conditionals and loops

Looping over a string

section .data

buf:    db    "Hello, world!", 10
BUFLEN: equ   $-buf

section .text

  mov rax, buf

  cmp rax, buf + BUFLEN
  je .end_loop

    ... ; Process byte [rax]

  jmp .begin_loop

This is equivalent to a while loop, as if BUFLEN was 0, the loop would not run at all.

Computing the sign of rax

This sets rbx to -1 if rax is negative, 0 if it is equal to 0, and +1 if it is positive:

  cmp rax, 0
  jl .negative
  jg .positive

.zero:              ; The zero label is never used, it's just for consistency
  xor rbx, rbx
  jmp .done

  mov rbx, -1
  jmp .done

  mov rbx, +1
  jmp .done


Nested loops

This loops rax over 0 to 9 and (inside that) rbx over 0 to 15:

  xor rax, rax            ; rax = 0  
    xor rbx, rbx            ; rbx = 0

      ... ; Use rax, rbx

      inc rbx
      cmp rbx, 16
      jb .inner_loop

    inc rax
    cmp rax, 10
    jb .outer_loop

  ... ; Rest of the program

Example: Looping over user input

We want to write a program which will input up to 256 bytes from the user, and then capitalize any lower-case letters and print out the result. The main loop of this, in C/C++, would look like this:

char buffer[256];
// Read input

unsigned rdi = 0;
while(rdi < 256) {
    if(buffer[rdi] >= 'a' && buffer[rdi] <= 'z')
        buffer[rdi] -= 32;


// print buffer
;;;; sys_read.s
;;;; Read from stdin into a buffer.
section .bss

; Buffer of 256 bytes
BUFLEN:   equ           256
buf:      resb          BUFLEN

SYS_read:   equ         0
SYS_write:  equ         1
SYS_stdin:  equ         0
SYS_stdout: equ         1
SYS_exit:   equ         60

section .text


  ; rdi = addr of character
  cmp byte [rdi], 'a'
  jb .done

  cmp byte [rdi], 'z'
  ja .done

  sub byte [rdi], 32 ; Convert to upper-case


global _start

  ; Read syscall
  mov rax, SYS_read
  mov rdi, SYS_stdin
  mov rsi, buf
  mov rdx, BUFLEN

  mov rcx, rax          ; rax = number of bytes read
  mov rdi, buf          ; rdi = addr. of char to process

    call to_uppercase

    inc rdi
    dec rcx
    jnz .capitalize_loop  ; No cmp; dec sets ZF for us 

  ; Write syscall
  mov rdx, rax          ; rax = number of bytes read
  mov rax, SYS_write
  mov rdi, SYS_stdout
  mov rsi, buf

  ; Exit syscall
  mov rax, SYS_exit
  mov rdi, 0

This introduces a simple function to_uppercase which handles converting a single character to uppercase.

Conditional moves

As a solution to the problem of expensive conditional jumps, conditional moves were added. A conditional move is simply a mov which checks the flags register and only performs the mov if the flags are set according to the condition. The condition codes are the same as for conditional jumps:

Operation Description Flag condition
cmove Move if op1 == op2 ZF == 1
cmovne Move if op1 != op2 ZF == 0
cmovl Move if op1 < op2, signed SF != OF
cmovle Move if op1 <= op2, signed ZF == 1 or SF != OF
cmovg Move if op1 > op2, signed ZF == 0 and SF == OF
cmovge Move if op1 >= op2, signed SF == OF
cmovb Move if op1 < op2, unsigned CF == 1
cmovbe Move if op1 <= op2, unsigned CF == 1 or ZF == 1
cmova Move if op1 > op2, unsigned CF == 0 and ZF == 0
cmovae Move if op1 >= op2, unsigned CF == 0
Operation Description
cmovna Move if not above
cmovnae Move if not above or equal
cmovnb Move if not below
cmovnbe Move if not below or equal
cmovng Move if not greater-than
cmovnge Move if not greater-than or equal
cmovnl Move if not less-than
cmovnle Move if not less-than or equal
Operation Description
cmovc Move if CF == 1
cmovnc Move if CF == 0
cmovz Move if ZF == 1
cmovnz Move if ZF == 0
cmovo Move if OF == 1
cmovno Move if OF == 0
cmovs Move if SF == 1
cmovns Move if SF == 0
cmovz Move if ZF == 1
cmovnz Move if ZF == 0
cmovp Move if PF == 1
cmovpo Move if PF == 1 (jump if parity odd)
cmovpe Move if PF == 0 (jump if parity even)

There are some additional restrictions on the cmov** instructions beyond those that apply to the normal mov instruction:

For example, to take the absolute value of rax using conditional jumps we would do:

  cmp rax, 0
  jge .positive
  neg rax

To do this with a conditional move we would do

  mov rbx, rax      ; rbx = rax
  neg rbx           ; rbx = -rax
  cmp rax, 0        
  cmovl rax, rbx   ; rax = rbx, if rax < 0

Although this might seem like more work for the processor, as we perform an extra mov and neg if when we don’t need it, but this approach may actually be faster, due to avoiding branching and keeping the execution pipeline full.

To review looping and branching, we’re going to build a linear search function. This function will just loop through an array from beginning to end, searching for a particular value. If it finds the value, it will return the index of the value within the array; if it does not, it returns -1 (= 0xffffff… unsigned).

In C/C++ this would be

unsigned linear_search(char* buffer, unsigned length, char target) {
    unsigned i = 0;
    while(i != length) {
        if(buffer[i] == target)
            return i;


    return -1;

In assembly we’re going to go through the steps of also loading the array from a file of random data, in order to introduce a few new syscalls. The existing syscalls we will use are:

The new syscalls we will use are

The .data section looks like this:

section .data

TARGET:         equ     126

filename:       db      "random.dat", 0         ; Filenames are nul-terminated

; 1M buffer to load the file
BUFLEN:         equ     1024*1024
buffer:         times BUFLEN    db 0

;; Syscalls
SYS_open:       equ     2
SYS_close:      equ     3
SYS_read:       equ     0
SYS_exit:       equ     60

;; File access mode
O_RDONLY:       equ     0

(The file random.dat is present on the server in /usr/local/class/cs241/random.dat. It contains 1MB of random data.)

The main steps of our program are:

  1. Open the file random.dat

  2. If the file opened successfully, read 1MB from the file into buffer

  3. Close the file

  4. Do a linear search for TARGET

  5. Exit process, with the index returned by 4 as the exit code

Step 1 is just a matter of passing the parameters to the open syscall:

    mov rax, SYS_open
    mov rdi, filename   ; nul-terminated filename
    mov rsi, O_RDONLY   ; access mode: read only
    mov rdx, 0          ; mode: ignored if file already exists

Step 2: If the file could not be opened, rax will be -1, so we check for this and then exit if it is the case:

    ; Check return value: -1 indicates error
    cmp rax, -1
    jne .read_file
    ; Otherwise file did not open correctly.
    ; Exit with status code 1
    mov rdi, 1
    jmp .exit


.exit is a label at the end of the _start function which calls the exit syscall:

    mov rax, SYS_exit

The .read_file: label marks the beginning of the second part of step 2:

    ; File is open, rax = FD
    ; Read the entire file into the buffer.
    mov rdi, rax        ; rdi = FD
    mov rax, SYS_read
    mov rsi, buffer
    mov rdx, BUFLEN

rax contains the file descriptor returned by open, but read expects the FD to be in rdi and the syscall in rax, so we have to shuffle things around a bit.

Step 3: Once the file has been read, we can close it with just

    mov rax, SYS_close
    ; rdi still contains FD

(rdi was set to the file descriptor in step 2, and syscalls are guaranteed to preserve rdi, so we don’t need to save it to a different register like we do with rcx.)

For step 4 we set up the parameters to the linear_search function and then call it:

    mov rdi, buffer
    mov rsi, BUFLEN
    mov dl, TARGET
    call linear_search

And then finally we move the return value of linear_search (which is in rax), into the exit code of the program (in rdi) and call SYS_exit:

    mov rdi, rax    ; Return value is exit code
    mov rax, SYS_exit

Note that if we jumped to .exit due to the file not opening, rdi will have been set to 1 at the beginning of step 2.

All that remains is to write the linear_search function:

    ; rdi = address of array
    ; rsi = length of array
    ; dl = target to search for
    ; Returns: rax = index of target, or -1 (0xffff...) if not found

    ... ; Function body


For reference, the C/C++ code we are translating is

    unsigned i = 0;
    while(i != length) {
        if(buffer[i] == target)
            return i;


    return -1;

We have a while loop, so we initialize the loop counter (in rax, because that will eventually be our return value) to 0 and then check the condition:

    mov rax, 0

    cmp rax, rsi
    jne .not_found


    mov rax, -1

The .not_found label and following code corresponds to the return -1 after the end of the while loop. Within the loop, we need to compare the target (in dl) to the current array element. Although we could go to the trouble of adding rax to rdi to get the address of the current element, we’ll shortcut the process and just increment rdi along with rax, so rdi always points to the current array element. Thus, we have

        cmp dl, byte [rdi]
        jne .continue       ; Not equal: next iteration
        ret                 ; Equal, return current rax

where .continue: labels the tail end of the while loop, where we increment the index (and the address) and jump to the start of the loop:

        inc rax
        inc rdi
        jmp .while

The whole function looks like this:

    ; rdi = address of array
    ; rsi = length of array
    ; dl = target to search for
    ; Returns: rax = index of target, or -1 (0xffff...) if not found

    mov rax, 0

        cmp rax, rsi
        je .not_found

        cmp dl, byte [rdi]
        jne .continue       ; Not equal: next iteration
        ret                 ; Equal, return current rax

        inc rax
        inc rdi
        jmp .while
    mov rax, -1